Shipping Fine Art Across the US: Art Shuttle NYC – Seattle – Dallas

Shipping Fine Art Across the US: Art Shuttle NYC – Seattle – Dallas

Is it possible to ship delicate and valuable works of art across the country safely and effectively? Yes, it is! Fine Art Shippers has announced that its next consolidated art shuttle NYC – Seattle – Dallas is scheduled for June 20. The company’s truck will have stops in multiple states all around the US, making the upcoming shuttle perfect for shipping fine art. The NYC-based shippers specialize in the transportation of different valuable items, from oil paintings and bronze sculptures to fine furniture, porcelain, and jewelry. Take a look at the shuttle route.

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Art Packaging Tips for Shipping Artworks Across the Country

Art Packaging Tips for Shipping Artworks Across the Country

Unlike local art courier services, shipping artwork across the country is a demanding task that requires plenty of time and focus in the process. Stakes get higher if you are an art logistics company in the US, which is 2,800 miles wide when measured horizontally. The protection of artworks for long-haul routes is art owners’ number one priority, and knowing how to pack different types of valuables is a must. Below you can find some handy art packaging tips that will help you nail the packaging without freaking out.

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June 7, 2022: East Coast Art Shuttle Miami – New York City

March 7, 2022: East Coast Art Shuttle Miami – New York City

On June7, Fine Art Shippers will have a consolidated art shuttle Miami – New York City that will go across cities and towns on the East Coast of the US. Making its way to the Big Apple, the company will make on-demand stops in South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland. Because time is limited, everyone who needs help from the shippers should request an online shipping quote right now. After that, the managers of the company will contact you to discuss further details.

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May 21, 2022: Cross-Country Art Shuttle Texas – Washington – New York

May 20, 2022: Cross-Country Art Shuttle Texas – Washington – New York

Shipping art at long distances is the job for professionals, as the challenges that may occur along the route require a good deal of first-hand experience. Owners of valuable canvases, art prints, sculptures, fragile china, fine furniture, and antiques will benefit from expert art logistics services. In this case, Fine Art Shippers will stand in good stead. The NYC-based art logistics company has announced that its next cross-country art shuttle Texas – Washington – New York is scheduled for May 21. Everyone who wants to join the shuttle should contact Fine Art Shippers as soon as possible.

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The Safest Way to Ship Art from NYC to Washington, D.C.

The Safest Way to Ship Art from NYC to Washington, D.C.

Four hours – it is how long it takes to drive from New York City to Washington, D.C. It is enough time to tear a painting into pieces, crash a sculpture, and make you stressed. Isn’t it mind-blowing how many nasty things can happen in this relatively short period? This rhetorical question is not really rhetorical for artists, auction buyers, and collectors, for whom the safety of artworks is above all. This is why if you want to ship art from NYC to the US capital, you need to rely on professional art logistics services provided by experienced companies.

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