It is not that easy to enter the art collector’s world. The subtleties of storing art, networking with experienced specialists, and more make it a time-consuming and sometimes tedious endeavor. However, if you learn the basics of the most important art services that all art collectors in NYC need, you will be able to grow your collection at a brisk pace. Below you will find 5 essential art services that may well come in handy.
May 17, 2021: Art Shuttle NYC – San Francisco
If you need to ship valuable and sentimental art pieces, antiques, fine furniture, or other collectibles, you should learn about the upcoming art shuttle NYC – San Francisco operated by Fine Art Shippers. The shuttle will leave New York City on May 17, 2021, to deliver items to Santa Fe, Scottsdale, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. However, the team of art handlers can also make deliveries to other cities along the route if required, so feel free to contact Fine Art Shippers to discuss the details of your shipment.
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Why Do Collectors Need an Art Insurance Policy?
Are you a keen art collector? Do you think art is a good way to invest money? If your answers are positive, it means that your home, office, or workshop features more than just objects of financial value. Fine art pieces, antiques, and other collectibles are cultural assets, the high value of which is determined primarily by their historical or commemorative significance. Therefore, you have probably wondered how to protect works of art you are collecting from the risk of damaging them or losing the money you have invested. The answer is an art insurance policy. Keep reading to learn why you need to insure your art possessions as soon as possible.
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How to Store Art According to the Museum Storage Standards
If you are going to put your art collection in long-term storage, you need to know about museum storage standards. With this knowledge, you will be able to ensure the right environmental conditions and safety of your collection. So what are these standards?
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Everything You Need to Know about Art Therapy
Art therapy is a highly popular method to discover one’s personality and improve their mental and physical health. If you still wondering how art can become a tool to manage your emotions, below you will find everything you need to know about art therapy. We will take you through its definition, situations when to use it, and more.
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